Scanning Probe Microscopy

Radboud University, Nijmegen

Prof. Dr. Alexander A. Khajetoorians
Full Professor, head of the SPM department

Alexander Ako Khajetoorians has been full professor and head of the SPM department, at the Institute for Molecules and Materials, since fall 2014. His research focuses on characterizing and manipulating the electronic and magnetic properties of quantum materials at the scale of a single atom, dedicated toward understanding and ultimately utilizing the novel properties of new materials for energy-efficient information technology and sensing. Utilizing scanning probe microscopy, he has helped advance numerous spin-resolved methods. He has established one of the most advanced and high-precision laboratories in the world at Radboud University (the SPIN labs), with the highest-resolution microscopes in the Netherlands, along with the quietest measurement spaces that were designed and built locally.
Prof. Khajetoorians has published 70 papers (as of 08-2024) and has been awarded prestigious personal grants, such as an Emmy Noether group (DFG) in 2013, a Vidi grant (NWO) in 2015, an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2018 (SPINAPSE), and a Vici grant (NWO) in 2022. Prof. Khajetoorians has also been awarded the Gerhard Ertl Young Investigator Award in 2012, and the Nicholas Kurti European Prize in 2014.


Education highlights
  • Curriculum committee Physics & Astronomy (since 2024)
  • Chair of the OLC (2019-2024)
  • Faculty Educational Award (2021)
  • BKO certificate (2017)

Organizational and Committee highlight roles
  • NWO committee Materials Science (since 2024)
  • IMM Board member (2019-2022)
  • PAN (NWO) member (2019-2020)
  • Gender and Diversity Committee member: (2017-2019)
  • Institute data steward (2017-2019)
  • "Theme Duo" leader (Theme 3: Quantum matter): (2016-2019)

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