Scanning Probe Microscopy

Radboud University, Nijmegen

Our group focuses on advancing the state of the art in Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) techniques in order to understand fundamental and technological problems in condensed matter physics. Our expertise focuses on atomically resolved structural, electronic and magnetic imaging of surfaces at cryogenic temperatures near absolute zero and in high magnetic fields, often combined with various scannning probe spectroscopy techniques and with atomic manipulation. For details, please see our Research page.

The Scanning Probe Microscopy department is part of the Institute for Molecules and Materials (IMM) at Radboud University, Nijmegen. The IMM is an interdisciplinary research institute in chemistry and physics. Its mission is to perform fundamental research to understand, design and control the functioning of molecules and materials and to train the next generation of leaders in science and entrepreneurship at the highest international standards. Within the IMM, the SPM group participates in the research theme Spectroscopy of Quantum Materials.
Latest News
28 Sep. 2024
Celebration of our 10 year anniversary.
28 Aug. 2024
New group website has been launched.
24 Jul. 2024
New preprint available on arXiv: "Influence of surface relaxations on atomic-resolution imaging of a charge density wave material"
07 Jun. 2024
New preprint available on arXiv: "Quantifying the quantum nature of high spin YSR excitations in transverse magnetic field"
21 Mar. 2024
New publication in JACS: "Activating the Fluorescence of a Ni(II) Complex by Energy Transfer" – see also our press release.
30 Jan. 2024
New publication in ACS Nano: "Stochastic Syncing in Sinusoidally Driven Atomic Orbital Memory" – see also our press release.

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